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My Dreams

My dreams are often miles out of reach. It's as though I was never meant to have a dream. It's like my autumn will never see spring. It's as though I was born unlucky. I never mourn nor fret about my plight. My cup does run over, not of favour. Not of chance, not of wine; not of splendour. Ⓒ CI
Recent posts

"Help of the Helpless Lord, Abide with me"

There are times in everyone's life when faith is gone and hope is lost.  Oftentimes, this is a time when life has dealt a strong blow to your peace and shattered your desire to hold on a little bit longer. You are walking without convinction and you are uncertain which way to go.  Why bother act when you don't believe?  You have made decisions you thought were good and pleasant to the lord.  You have supported good causes and have been a decnt human being.  Despite all your good effort life just doesn't seem to favour the good. Why is this?  You and I have experienced such a day, week, month, year- even years of darkness hovering over our heads like the clouds in the sky.  As if we have been cursed. We begin to contemplate if we have been journeying on the right road. Why is the road so narrow?  Why does the road not look so straight  anymore? Which way do I go? You begin to  ask yourself whether you ever believed and whether belie...
Three amazing reasons why being a mother is the best decision I will ever make. 1. Because it is the best teaching experience. I first became a mother on August 20th 2013. You should see my face whenever  I think, say or write this date. I glow beyond measure and I feel a great amount of happiness. Being a mother has been the toughest decision I have had to live with and that I am still living with today. I wake up each day knowing that I am going to be taught by someone I carried for 9 months and that I have nurtured since she came into this world. There is no denial that my child has taught me more in 2 years than I have learned in 20+ years studying to become a solicitor. I have been taught how to be strong and meek at the same time. How to be firm and gentle at the same time. How not to think that you have got it all under control because nothing about life is predictable. How to be happy and be in pain at the same time. There is nothing more endearing than to see your chi...

Why giving up is ideal!!!

Giving up takes a lot of strength and gut but that is not always how we are meant to see it. We are told that giving up is for the weak and that the next step you take might be the deal breaker. However, in life there are times when giving up is the best thing you could ever do. Here are some situations were giving up is for the brave.  When you are hurt Who has not been hurt and disappointed by someone or something you put your faith and trust in? Who has not been left bewildered by the amount of pain one can manage when pain is pricking deep into one's heart. Who has not been betrayed by a loved one and abandoned by the people you considered family and friends. Whatever your current predicament or past experiences,in these circumstances, it is better to give up on the hurt than to let it grow into a mustard tree. When you fail Failure is the least of any one's expectation. No body likes to fail and those who seem to embrace failure easily have only gain such contr...

Do you love your family?

It is always a relief to know that you are not alone. And that I think is the main reason family is essential. Humans are not meant to be isolated in any way. Even when isolation is a deliberate choice, being alone is always seen as a default position. Well, family as a unit is a beautiful thing but not always idealistic and achievable for a lot of people. Although everyone is genetically linked to someone, it takes more than blood and birth to connect people for a lifetime. Family is a union of differences and a a constant choice to be made . I hear so many people say that they did not choose their family. Whilst that is debatable, I also hear the same people say they could not have become who they are without their family. So, here are a few tips that have been tested and are effective in making  your family, the family of your dream. Choose everyone of them Choose to accept your family members for who they are. Choose to ignore what you must and believe them even when th...

I am back from a deep sleep

Hello Guys, I have so much to say and don't know how to start. Some of you know that I and my little family moved a year ago to Bristol,UK. We have been busy trying to build a nest and create stability for our little angel. I decided to finish my legal studies by climbing the final academical steps, known as the Legal Practice Course. This I had to do in order to someday work as a solicitor. It has been a long and a laborious journey and  one that I have been excited to take. I did feel a lot of anxiety at the beginning but it all faded  away as I discovered new ideas and acquired new skills. Meanwhile, my baby started creche a month after we arrived and she has been attending ever since. She has grown to be an exciting and happy baby. I love to see how much she anticipates going there every week. My other baby has been a support to me and many others. He has been making life more enjoyable for the family and I feel blessed to have him. Now we are taking each day as it c...

Pursuit of the unknown

Do you feel after waking up from a dream that it will never come true? Or that the nightmare you just had was definitely going to come to pass? Does it ever occur to you like a déjà-vu, that what just happened had happened before? And, that even if you had wished to change a word or an action,you attempt would have have been futile? How about working daily and striving to reach a place or achieve a momentum that you know will not come naturally to you?I may sound like a cynical or a defeatist.but what I am trying to say is that there are times when I feel that my desire and determination to put in the work and take risk in order to succeed do not yield the fruit I so much desire to at least pluck even if I never taste it. . Someone I know says that the world will pay you according to what it think you are worth. He said that to encourage young people to gain education or learn a trade. I have always thought that an effort no matter how small always counts. That the desire to...