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Showing posts from December, 2009

My new year resolutions

1.Love to the fullest 2.Think less of the past 3.Do more phyical activities 4.Eat healthy and with love 5.Be good to all 6.try not to understand's impossible to know everything 7.Believe in myself more 8.Trust in God continually 9.Flie from anything that will bring sorrow(even if it used to be my friend or favourite thing) 10.Do more than I did in 2009

Bloody Men and Short Analysis

Bloody men are like bloody buses - You wait for about a year And as soon as one approaches your stop Two or three others appear. You look at them flashing their indicators, Offering you a ride. You're trying to read the destinations, You haven't much time to decide. If you make a mistake, there is no turning back. Jump off, and you'll stand there and gaze While the cars and the taxis and lorries go by And the minutes, the hours, the days. by Wendy Cope Short analysis and comments on this poem. At first glance, I thought this poem spoke the minds of generationsof single women. Then it occurred to me that it also could be applied to men. However, I would be writing from the perspective of women, who for no reason, are more affected by such fate. The first line harshly concludes the poem before it even starts and it is the anchor upon which the poem is held. It tells of the exasperation and sorrow men bring to women- single, and searching, desirous ...


I woke up this morning, hoping I would be able to make it to church and eventually partake of the sacrement. But nothing happened as I planned. Isn't it amazing that although we move from one year to another, life is still as unpredictable as it has always been. It is still the same dangers we face now and tomorrow. It is still the same battle we fight. I was drawn into reflections these past weeks as I looked around me. There are so many people out there in search of things which do not last. I feel compassion because I can be one of them yet I am among the few who know the reason why I am here and how to pursue what matters most. It might sound funny and distracting to think that life is a game, we are all players, some may lose and some may win. Someone once told me that and I still feel as I felt when I heared that statement: Heart broken.  It is wrong to view life as a game because it is not. It is also wrong to believe that some are losers because it is not completely true...


Cold cold winter, this is your season of peace joy and merriment to all. Stars shine brighter and last longer, birds fly higher and sing sweetly, our hearts are still, yet, beating for excitment. Cold cold winter, this is your time of tenderness comfort and hope. The rain drops like the snow, the sun barely rises, our hearts are warm,it should be for the moment. Cold cold winter, look at me you promised to bring him nearer, smiling,loving and dedicated than ever. Nothing tastes sweet, everything tastes sour, he never came knocking at my door for commitment. Cold cold winter, I believe in love to raise me higher, taller and stronger. Make him believe also in us as I do. Forever is meant to last till ever comes, beat the drum of love to our mouvements.