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Showing posts from February, 2010


They made me loved you so much. They made me believe in you. They opened my eyes to the truth. I am talking about all those who broke my heart. Isn't it amazing, how you have made life wonderful? I must confesss the tears I cried were useful, and the ceaseless thoughts made me smart. They made my voice louder. They helped made a winner. They gave me thirst for life. I must have complained then but its over now. Those regrets that never lasted were meant to be. Oh, how life would have been tasteless without the frown! Only the smallest seed can make the tallest tree.

If only

This was what I felt after a dream I had of love. The earth turned but I stood still perharps 'cos it was meant to be I saw you and loved you at once Perharps that was my only chance you were my harvest of love the ray of the morning sun you were the aspirine to myache your breath still lingers just like the onion we talked about nobody else is meant to know that the love we have is forever you are the water in myrain the snow in my winter the songs of my heart That kiss you threw at me was oh so lovely I didnt want to let go

Do we try to serve the Lord without offending the devil?

I just returned from church.Today seemed to me a day of recony,as if,God was asking me what I have done all these while.It was not a feeling I normaly have just like that but this came up through the various lessons and words I heard today.Most of the lessons talkad about living a righteous life in a wicked world and also Agency. I want to talk about standing in holy places.I never understood what it realy meant to stand in holy places. Yet, many times in my life,I have experienced things I wouldn't have experienced if I wasn't were I was at that time. It is clear to me what it means to be in a holy place now.I think it means standing for the right but also being in places were the spirit can commune with you.I have thought many times that I could go to places and be able to stand clear from trouble and temptations.But,what I didn't fully know then was that, satan never asks my opinion when he wants to make me miserable and sad.He doesn't come to me and say'comfort,...

Valentine by Carol Ann Dufy

Not a red rose or a satin heart. I give you an onion. It is a moon wrapped in brown paper. It promises light Like the careful undressing of love. Here. It will blind you with tears Like a lover. It will make your reflection A wobbling photo of grief. I am trying to be truthful. Not a cute card or a kissogram. I give you an onion. Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips, Possessive and faithful As we are, For as long as we are. Take it. Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding-ring, If you like. Lethal. Its scent will cling to your fingers, Cling to your knife.

Third world credo

The sadest part of life is self-poverty. We children of the third world, Wherever we may be,beg for opportunity. We may not shine in gold and silver, We may not know what holiday means; But, we do live eachday like it is our best. The tears we cry never run dry. The pains we feel never subside. The burdens we carry are not few. We are not as happy as you. It may never be our destiny to ride big cars. We may never see santa nor eat wafers. We may be used by some to get richer. We get nothing for everything we offer. Our plea is for health,education and peace. We plead for respect for our lands and our future. If the future belongs to us, then, We should take possession of it.