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Showing posts from April, 2010

Thinking of YOU

Here, I am in my room, warm and clean, with music playing on and on. It takes me aback to think of you that knows nothing of what I just thought. How I love to listen to music and be in my warm comfortable room. How I struggle, waking up every morning because I feel no need to rush. Why is it such a big deal? I am so ashame to say it is in this part of the world. This is exactly what you don't know and would probably never know. It takes so much courage to be who you are:victims of human tragedy. I know you don't feel ashame of who you are,others should take that responsibility. Did I tell you how easy it is to have this and that where I live? how I can ask and recieve in a twinkle of an eye,just like the day kisses the night. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you the most difficult task in this part of the world: Being yourself and not a product of a product created by a product called man. It amazes me to see your smile shine so bright under that sparkling sun. Why do you think it ...

True beauty

In this world built on absolute uncertainty, It is so hard to know what is true and real. Nothing seems to last,everything has an expiry date. There is never enough to see and say. Beauty has become one of those ephemerial wish, that slips off your hands immediately you get a grasp of it. They show us pictures of what perfection ought to look like. And, how your beauty ought to be distinct from mine. I have not been able to understand the essence of beauty. Until, I heard someone say that the real beauty is priceless She called it: True beauty. One that radiates from the soul; Day in, day out. The beauty never fades nor dies, for such is one acquired from character. This type of beauty is for those who know who they are, Look alikes of a supreme being; holy and perfect With a beauty incomparable and undescribeable. For Kings and Queens with divine heritage and dominions: Beauty purchased with money would last just a while. Beauty created by men is sure to end as t...