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Showing posts from May, 2010

Seeing past today

It came to my mind this week how easy it was for some of us, if not all( perharps some people are exceptionally patient)to give up when the going gets tough.Its so easy to turn back when we look at the tunnel and no light is in sight.It is like walking without a destination,we just feel so overwhelmed by life.We think we have been walking for so long and there seeem to never be an end.I remember a story told by one of the leaders of the church.He talked about a deaf boy perticipating in a race.The race was quite demanding and as usaul there was a crowd sorrounding the field.The participants were been cheered and booed.Some gave up too easily and were no more among the contestants for the victory.Others drifted apart little by little, as they came to listen to the discouragement throwed at them by the crowd.Amongst them was this deaf boy, who could hear neither cheer nor discouragements.He just kept on running like he never did before.He was thinking of finishing.So, as you may have gue...

A familiar story

A man came right up to me. He asked: "where are you from" "from France" said I unto him It was questionable for a man like him to interrogate a woman like me. Yet,it was an oppurtunity for me to discover the man behind the smile. He said "No!I mean where are you from?" Oh!I'm originaly from Nigeria.I said with a crooked smile "thats what I wanted to know" he snapped.And he continued "you may have a French passport but you are Nigerian" I looked upon him with a sense of familiarity and disappointment. After all, he was telling a kind of truth. For years,I have been told to give unto Ceaser what belongeth to Ceasar It came like a treason to realise that It would always be my deception. It was a thing to be born somewhere and another to belong. It surprises me to hear people question my good english because, as the man said "I went to Africa but I didn't understand what they were saying." I am sure he meant south-africa ...