Love Insomnia I sleep with hope to see you again, Yet would keep awake until that day. Sleeping sweeps tears into oblivion, Like peace does to mental confusion. I thought my memory would resist. Oh I barely remember the twist. To your smile. There are days my thoughts sourly fight. Like in a world war,they are a sight. The more I try to uphold unity, a plethora of fearless foreign forces; pull them apart like a hungered beast, Feasting on its pre. In many rivers of pain will I sail. Within the little lonely frame, will I bear the weight of each day. Let my unknown treasure the name, of hope beyond sight; like many todays are to most of our yesterdays. I am awake,I am afraid My vision is choked into dismay I love what we'll be someday Heaven knows.
The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen. Frank Lloyd Wright