I have wondered, how one so intelligent like man- treds proudly the parts of the beast. It took 364 sunrises to catch a tiny-glimpse, of those mysteries behind human uneven mentalities. Every where I turn,I see yet do not comprehend, the subtlety behind every disturbed imagination- of a man who stands at his feet like the tree; but roars its superiority like a raging lion. The birds I know have wings.Not all can fly. Then why should we believe in love and peace, when we hold on with iron-fist to our differences ? Of this year, I have smiled at large I have sang so loud, I have seen with my eyes, what my hears denied. I have read stories of men and women, and enjoyed playing with children. All of these are my treasured memories But the most beautiful of all One that made everything so small One that turned my world around: I loved once and I loved again.
The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen. Frank Lloyd Wright