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Showing posts from May, 2008


It is all about Relationship; An important aspect of any relationship is communication. Communication is sometimes difficult in every relationship.Indeed in the family circle, with friends and even strangers.It is undeniable and especially essential to know that this means we call communication varies from one sort of person to another. Let us begin by defining at first the word communication.In the dictionary, Communication is the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.To interchange is about sharing and to impart is about we can observe both proces are different and ofcourse have different effects. I remember one day, after a strong verbal exchange with a member of the family,I thought it would be impossible to communicate with such a person, but to my misconception, that same day an outsider congratulated this individual for an outstanding ability to understand and communicate.I was dump-founded.It is amusing and intring...


In the west of Europe is found a place whose name sounds historical...A place knowed by many because of it's richissime culture.Many visit for gastronomy and others for souvenirs.The country bears many rivers with poetic names like seine, rhone and soane.With more than 20 cities, today's France is undoubtly the addition of laws,arts,science,technologies a land of opportunities.Those who come mostly visit the doorsteps of Paris: the Eiffel tour. Then they claim to have VISITED france.While the media makes Paris one of the most beautiful city in the is only a diamond in the jewel box. lyon is another city in france that bears it's name even more meritocratically than any other.It is located in the north-east.Only three hours from Paris and twelve from spain.How many cities can boast of such this proximities? One of the most equiped city in transportation,lyon is open to many cultures and its openness gives it an air of déja vu. But? you need to be in the city to un...
I have a dream.I have a dream that is a dream.I have the reality and I can see it also.I have today,a day I can use as i like and as much as I want.i have a yesterday that was a today and now a yesterday giving me a memory to my innumerable collections.I have a year behind and a nother a head and i have also a future: the word I use for all uncertainties.I call them future.To day in my litterature class, I reviewed a prose by Baudelaire,a famous french symbolic writer.It was 'l'invitation au voyage'.In this poem, he talks about a country that he would want to live in with his loved one.I was struck by the predominance of love.I could only percieve abit of that city,my heart aspired for such an one too. what iwant to say is that the dream we have of our world seem to be only an illusion.I don't want to sound pessimistic but could there ever be a land similar to the one described by Baudelaire? Or are we to be content with what we have now for an earth?I believe in dreams...


Introspection If I were you, I would let no one take away my pride. If I were you, I would tell my children how wonderful they are. If I were you, I would let love sink into my soul. If I were you, I would engage into the battle of life. If I were you, I would help the sick and poor. If I were you, I would struggle to get an education. If I were you, I would help my parents live longer. If I were you, I would tell the world that I exist. If I were you, I would build up my country. If I were you, I would sit down quietly and listen. If I were you, I would love with all my heart. If I were you, I would make work a friend. If I were you I would not fail to see the beauty in me.