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Showing posts from March, 2010

My beautiful love

Like the sun shines through the clouds. Over the mountain and across the oceans. Vegetations,people,places;Near and far. Even so,my love will;When we're apart. Quest'è la mia cantante per la nostr'amore. Dio é e sara nostro forza é potenza per sempre.

Thoughts of you

There were times I couldn't cry. The pains within,made the tears dry. It was much ache and confusion. The world was nothing more than a comossion. I met you on my way down the spiral. when I thought no more of survival. You were the path to my delivrance. yes,you gave true love in abundance. I can't sing all I've in heart. The joy I feel can't be found. Thanking the heavens for your care. Maybe a way to say what's in-there. I wish we could be together forever. I wish we would never say never. I wish this love would be always right. I wish you to never die. But if you do;Take me with you.

Today and you

Maybe we do not have to be afraid about what the days is prgnant of!Perharps what we need to do is move like we are heading to an automatic door which slides open as we get close to it.Sometimes,we wake up in th emorning with so heavy a heart that we fail to see what makes that day special.We fail to recognize that the day is not and will never be like any other day.I realise that as i walk through the streets that the clouds are moving and they never are the same.When I look up wards,what i see is just not what I saw the day before.It may sound confusing to some when I say that the fact that we worry about what the day has for us makes the day empty.But,the truth is so simple that it sometimes is the hardest thing to have.We may walk eachday thinking that that man den't love us or that woman is not so kind.We may pay attention to the gossioing crowd who thinks we are not slim enough or maybe we are not fat enough to be part of their circle.We may feel inadequate at some point in o...