Saturday, 10 July 2010

The chosen

There are so many varieties of men in the world.
Men:tall and short,small and big,old and young.
Many are calm,gentle and tender.Just themselves.
Others are rude,boastful and harsh.Yet,Still themselves.

I would be rude to say:you are all the same.
So far from the truth,just as much as fame.
It would be absurd to assume you are different
for there is something so similar about men.

The broad sholders carried highly with pride.
The trained walk that makes me want to smile.
Telling me that you would do the un-doable.
With words spoken in rhymes,so sweet and likable.

Suddenly,you whisper that we fit just like night and day?
As though tomorrow will never come-why would you sound so sure?
Not to my surprise,I see you with her two years from that day,
she will soon turn into an old beautiful souvenir in the store.

Carefree or careless,I love you when you are sleeping.
It is like a romance:deeply emotional and soothing.
I must confess,I have a soft spot for you.
perharps, because you are the one I always choose.

My Dreams

My dreams are often miles out of reach. It's as though I was never meant to have a dream. It's like my autumn will never see spring....