Giving up takes a lot of strength and gut but that is not always how we are meant to see it. We are told that giving up is for the weak and that the next step you take might be the deal breaker.
However, in life there are times when giving up is the best thing you could ever do. Here are some situations were giving up is for the brave.
When you are hurt
Who has not been hurt and disappointed by someone or something you put your faith and trust in? Who has not been left bewildered by the amount of pain one can manage when pain is pricking deep into one's heart. Who has not been betrayed by a loved one and abandoned by the people you considered family and friends. Whatever your current predicament or past experiences,in these circumstances, it is better to give up on the hurt than to let it grow into a mustard tree.
When you fail
Failure is the least of any one's expectation. No body likes to fail and those who seem to embrace failure easily have only gain such control through years of practice. Failing is like a broken marriage, the thought of it makes you cringe and the past never seem to some too quick enough. Failing in any aspect of life is a tough blow that nobody is really capable of resisting. You only know how good you are at surviving when you have brushed despondency or death. As painful as it is to fail,it is worse not to give it up. Giving up on failure means not defining yourself in relation to what happened but instead focusing on what better things would happen when preparation and hard work are put to play.
When you are waiting on something

When you are expecting what you consider would be the true source of your happiness, it is strength-consuming. You seem to only think, forget to eat or eat too much, breath and live the thought of your life getting better when that event occurs. The truth is always an event and so is reality. The event is your life and when you slow down your life because of an unforeseen or unknown future, it is better to give up on not living. Do something new! Start something you always wanted to do! Help people ! It is better to live alright today instead of waiting for the perfect tomorrow that never seem to come soon enough. Don't give up on the dream,just work your way towards it.
However, in life there are times when giving up is the best thing you could ever do. Here are some situations were giving up is for the brave.
When you are hurt

When you fail
Failure is the least of any one's expectation. No body likes to fail and those who seem to embrace failure easily have only gain such control through years of practice. Failing is like a broken marriage, the thought of it makes you cringe and the past never seem to some too quick enough. Failing in any aspect of life is a tough blow that nobody is really capable of resisting. You only know how good you are at surviving when you have brushed despondency or death. As painful as it is to fail,it is worse not to give it up. Giving up on failure means not defining yourself in relation to what happened but instead focusing on what better things would happen when preparation and hard work are put to play.
When you are waiting on something

When you are expecting what you consider would be the true source of your happiness, it is strength-consuming. You seem to only think, forget to eat or eat too much, breath and live the thought of your life getting better when that event occurs. The truth is always an event and so is reality. The event is your life and when you slow down your life because of an unforeseen or unknown future, it is better to give up on not living. Do something new! Start something you always wanted to do! Help people ! It is better to live alright today instead of waiting for the perfect tomorrow that never seem to come soon enough. Don't give up on the dream,just work your way towards it.