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It is all about Relationship; An important aspect of any relationship is communication. Communication is sometimes difficult in every relationship.Indeed in the family circle, with friends and even strangers.It is undeniable and especially essential to know that this means we call communication varies from one sort of person to another.
Let us begin by defining at first the word communication.In the dictionary, Communication is the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.To interchange is about sharing and to impart is about we can observe both proces are different and ofcourse have different effects.

I remember one day, after a strong verbal exchange with a member of the family,I thought it would be impossible to communicate with such a person, but to my misconception, that same day an outsider congratulated this individual for an outstanding ability to understand and communicate.I was dump-founded.It is amusing and intringing to realize that a person could speak wrongfully to one and rightfully to another.Besides, one could be completly disabled in communication in the family and most capable with others not within the closest circle. How is it that we are frequently plagued by conflits due to lack of communication.There are many ways to communicate but i think the fastest and most efficient is verbally.

It sounds bizarre to know that communication is still a weakness in our technological world.How is it possible? It seems that the new technologies have taken away the necessity to polish one's communication skills since most of our transaction are done through some wires interconnected.

The media is just another obnoxious example of communication the world is suffering from.Innumerable datas with dubitating sources are flooding every home.It is so hard,if not impossible to find limpid informations through the media.We are bound to face it.You can reduce the infectiousness by questioning and verifying atleast twice any fact communicated by them to you.But how many of them could we authentify? This concerns a larger body:Everybody.

When we return to the confinement of the family circle,we realize that communication is the conerstone of every harmonious home.
After the definition, we learn that it is an exchange and less of a dominion.Communication is being understood and the ablility to listen.So when one listens alone the person is not communicating.Also, when a person monopolizes the discussion the person is not communicating.
There are many reasons why we communicate but the major aim is to be understood.Then, why is it hard to be understood by poeple and why is it so hard to impact one's thought through words.

This morning as I was on my way to school I saw a friend whom I haven't seen for many months now.She was a high school friend with which I shared alot of memorable times.Ofcourse we haven't seen each other because we were seperated in our educational pursuit.However, this girl lives not too far from me.I have her phone number and I know her family well. There is no valueable reason I can give for not visiting her all this while.I think as a person, she would have thought the same way concerning me.So as I saw her ,we talked and laughed and regreted the unfleunt communication.In my heart she was a friend and everytime we met we added a stone to our friendship.It seemed easier to communicate with her.

Then the same day I had the oppurtunity to talk with my sister.As I said, I talked but I hardly reasoned for one reason or the other.She had something to tell me. As a sister, I thought I had heard the song before.So, instead of listening to my dear sister I babbled different options or discussions I supposed she wanted to tell me;as if I already had a repertoire in which i kept all our former conversations.
in the two stories the persons invold where nice and important poeple yet to one I gave time bacause I felt it was necessary but to the other I ignored or dispised because of familiarity.This is the plague infecting most of our relationship.Indifference is another word for selfishness.



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