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you know?

As I lay on my bed last night.I just didn't want to think much but I wanted to think of a precise thing.I wanted to sought out some little inconveniences in my rosy life.Yeah even roses have thorns.I just wanted to understand why life was so complex.I knew it was because my vision was limited to the present however I loopholed into my lifeless memories and intelligible reasons to justify the ravishing ugliness of our world.yes the world is ours. Not only for the rich minorities who cry "save our planet"on top of every roof as if they know anything about "our planet". All they know is gravitational forces and other explainable factors but if I ask them how the world was created they will start jabbing again. With their big bangs or what so ever...For how long are we going to suffer these foolish philosophers and blinded scientific to tell us how to go green?Do I have to turn to green to have a balanced environment? Do I have to sell my car to save the Antarctica from melting? Wasn't it water before becoming ice? For heaven's sake, I need someone to beg the media from corrupting "our" children's' mind.They create, formulate and throw the truth into the bin.How do they want our children to save the world if every truth is thrown into the nearest gutter...and even more economically based?Can't we go for moneyless truth?

Again,last night, i thought about the people i once knew.Those people i used to share my happiness and sorrow with.They are no more the same because as we all know change is the only constant thing in life. As a young adult, i adopted the half truth which says that time was on my side, only to grow up and realize that i never had time to do all just what i ought to do.And, enough time to do enough but i could have done more. I t is so heartbreaking to think about those people who truly sold your love for a pot of porridge. When i think about my naivety and blindness, i can't help but to feel this paralysing tantrum of fear.I wonder what type of persons i would face in the future. We are not perfect? But believe me some people give the impression that perfection is possible.what does it mean after all to be perfect? Isn't it a way to escape responsibility by saying"sorry but nobody is perfect". I find that excuse the most deploring and pathetic.Which is better? The one that lives above it's limit in perfection or the one that proudly claims it as a title and a justification?

We all know how it feels to be broken hearted. By that someone who used to be a friend, a lover or just an idyllic imagination of goodness. We know how long it takes to get over "our favourite music" or "our favourite spot".We filled the days following the aborted relationship with what it used to be.The truth is that we are experiencing the effect of change. Even if we are convinced about the decision we made, to quit that person, we are sometimes still attracted to the past. Why is it so? Why can't we forget those injuries (LOVE)and headaches(LOVE) that we felt in the company of our once beloved? Why don't we just accept the fact that some snakes do live under green grasses ,that they are not easily recognised. Then this brings us to question about forgiveness.Is forgetting forgiveness? Is accepting forgiveness or is forgiveness not only an act of resignation. We abandon the story for another one. How hard it seems sometimes to forgive! It looks like some mountains we admiringly gaze at but undoubtedly refuse to climb.I hear very often"just forgive" who said to ere is human and to forgive is divine? Are we humans searching for divinity after all?

Nonetheless it is devastating to see the effects of long kept malice and contention. Personally, i know that hatred is just another way to escape one's responsibility. ours is to love and nothing less. It consumes your energy. It shortens your vision. It makes you look less important than you are. It makes you feel so small. Small in size and in value. Hatred has never been a solution to any problem I would rather consider it as a problem itself.The comfort that forgiveness brings is everlasting. It is just like the spring after a hot summer.try and imagine the relief, to see the one who hurts you bringing a smile on your face.

I still wonder if offences are not imagined by those who claim pride.i mean that sometimes we find offences where there are none.why should another decision hurt us if we intrinsically know that we knew nothing about it?why do we cry when another makes a very foolish decision?you would say that is love.i do believe it is love but we should never forget that love like every other virtue needs to be merited. Another thing that bothers me much, not only presently, not to talk about our the psychological well-being but also for the future generation, is the use we make of the word "love".

oh, how disastrous are the many counterfeits of this word. It is so hard for some to see with their human eyes. They see but they are blind.I am not only terrorized but also hopeful because I believe that within every soul there is a conscience, you know that partial judge that condemns us far more better than anyone else. I believe that can help us discern between that love advertised by the media and the other that only exist in the private mansion of our heart.Well, I am not going to abandon the fight for love even if most of them turn out to be masquerades of vices.


Unknown said…
You are so wise for your age. Never retire. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. God bless you!

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