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I woke up this morning, hoping I would be able to make it to church and eventually partake of the sacrement.
But nothing happened as I planned.

Isn't it amazing that although we move from one year to another, life is still as unpredictable as it has always been.

It is still the same dangers we face now and tomorrow. It is still the same battle we fight.

I was drawn into reflections these past weeks as I looked around me. There are so many people out there in search of things which do not last.

I feel compassion because I can be one of them yet I am among the few who know the reason why I am here and how to pursue what matters most.

It might sound funny and distracting to think that life is a game, we are all players, some may lose and some may win.

Someone once told me that and I still feel as I felt when I heared that statement: Heart broken. 

It is wrong to view life as a game because it is not. It is also wrong to believe that some are losers because it is not completely true.It is totally false to think that some are winners, because it is not so.I will tell you why in three reasons.

Firstly, we all came to this earth out of our own free will,to know for ourselves the experiences that qualified God to be whom he is to us today.

We saw in him greatness above words. We saw in him light that broke darkness. We wanted to create and produce things none has ever found before.He was able to do all these and countless more without a sigh of weariness. We wanted to be just like him. This the first reason. 

Secondly,  Earth was designed for those who proved capable in many ways. There was none greater than another. We were all spiritualy talanted and were bound to be the same physically, no matter the physical and spiritual restrictions of sickness or sins. This uniqueness was a gift that other creations could not claim. 

The flowers wished they were as beautiful as us. The animals aspired to be just what we are: intelligence. So many other unknown creatures were ready to give what they were given to be like us. We could feel the future.We are the masters of everything this earth possesses. We were made to be powerful and supernal.

This was what we saw in God that made us yearned to be like him.This is the second reason.

Thirdly, he made us complementary. He wanted us to be eternal. He made man and woman and put in them the fire to mend the broken and the skills to make the other happy.

Because God was a happy being, he wanted us to be the same. He was not whom he was alone. He also had some one who loved him and was like him, she is a woman.

As glorious as the father, the mother of us all did not lack any of the qualities the father had. She was not without him as he was not wihout her. They both taught us the perfect beauty of togetherness and love. 

It was obvious in our awe, that we wanted someone who would be for us what the Mother was for the Father. We wanted to be completed, helped and acknowledge in our greatness.They taught us that power and love were the same and would come to naught, if there is none to share them with.This is the third reason.

And so many more reasons they shared with us while we were still with them.

They are hidden in our memories, not yet remembered. This shows that in this little world, no one is greater than another and no one is smaller than another.

No one truly losses and no one wins because it is not a game. It is a gift from God made everlasting by the Birth and sacrifice of his son, our brother, Jesus christ.

As we know, gifts are meant to be given and received. Thus, as we seat with our friends and family during these festive season,may we desire to complete, build love in our hearts and give it unmeasurely to anyone we meet as we travel in life.

I wish you all a better begining for this coming year!!!!


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