I just returned from church.Today seemed to me a day of recony,as if,God was asking me what I have done all these while.It was not a feeling I normaly have just like that but this came up through the various lessons and words I heard today.Most of the lessons talkad about living a righteous life in a wicked world and also Agency.
I want to talk about standing in holy places.I never understood what it realy meant to stand in holy places. Yet, many times in my life,I have experienced things I wouldn't have experienced if I wasn't were I was at that time.
It is clear to me what it means to be in a holy place now.I think it means standing for the right but also being in places were the spirit can commune with you.I have thought many times that I could go to places and be able to stand clear from trouble and temptations.But,what I didn't fully know then was that, satan never asks my opinion when he wants to make me miserable and sad.He doesn't come to me and say'comfort,would you like to be heart broken? or would you want to suffer?' Instead,he puts the temptations on my way and doeas everything to see me fall.
One reason it is easy for him to lure us into canal security is because of the place whe find ourselves.He wouldn't come into the church and tempt us because the environment and people there are all prepared spiritually and deacently to adore God.
I was in a party this week and I went there just to dance because It was long I danced and had fun.To me,it was just a way to release myself of the stress that would come up as I start fully my lectures.But, as I listened today at church,I realised that I chose the wrong place and I certainly wasn't as protected as I thought I was.It must have been that the spirit left me as I crossed the door step into the place where poeple were dinking and dancing and smoking.Although I didnt encourage nor join them in their malicious activities,I was there and I was vulnerable.
I just want us to be careful about where we go as this would also affect our happiness. There are many people out there who are agants of the devil.These people don't want to hear about truth,purity,intelligenece nor cleanliness.They would not want you to be happy either.
I also felt how necessary it was for us to be prone to good.I mean this, by looking closely at our reactions when someone tells us what we are doing wrong or what we should change in our lives.Are we the type that wants to change immediately and that accepts sincerely that we were wrong? or are we among those who rationalize and justify thier wrong by saying things they know aren't true.
I want to be among those who love to change.I heared that the only constant thing in life is change and I agree.It is part of deity to change.Changing for the better is a sign of wisdom.Falling is not what really matters to our saviour Jesus Christ but standing up again with more faith and courage to do better.And finally,return to his presence.
I also want to put a little touch on how sorrounded by evil we are today.It is harendous how evil is becoming the default position of the world.In today's society,those who are idolized and respected most are those who can curse,those who can show off their body and those who can cheat and lie.These faults are being praised as intelligence.we all know that within our hearts those things preached by them can only ruin our lives and make us feel worthless at the end of the day.It is not beacause we are sorrounded by evil that we should take part in it or support it.
I like the idea of joseph flieing potiphar's wife.If we truly love ourselves,I think flieing will be the best thing to do in many cases.In my present case,prayer coupled with the determination to stand by my knowledge will surely help me.Not re-doing something wrong is just the first step do changing that thing and we should not forget to substitute that thing by something of greater worth.
I want to talk about standing in holy places.I never understood what it realy meant to stand in holy places. Yet, many times in my life,I have experienced things I wouldn't have experienced if I wasn't were I was at that time.
It is clear to me what it means to be in a holy place now.I think it means standing for the right but also being in places were the spirit can commune with you.I have thought many times that I could go to places and be able to stand clear from trouble and temptations.But,what I didn't fully know then was that, satan never asks my opinion when he wants to make me miserable and sad.He doesn't come to me and say'comfort,would you like to be heart broken? or would you want to suffer?' Instead,he puts the temptations on my way and doeas everything to see me fall.
One reason it is easy for him to lure us into canal security is because of the place whe find ourselves.He wouldn't come into the church and tempt us because the environment and people there are all prepared spiritually and deacently to adore God.
I was in a party this week and I went there just to dance because It was long I danced and had fun.To me,it was just a way to release myself of the stress that would come up as I start fully my lectures.But, as I listened today at church,I realised that I chose the wrong place and I certainly wasn't as protected as I thought I was.It must have been that the spirit left me as I crossed the door step into the place where poeple were dinking and dancing and smoking.Although I didnt encourage nor join them in their malicious activities,I was there and I was vulnerable.
I just want us to be careful about where we go as this would also affect our happiness. There are many people out there who are agants of the devil.These people don't want to hear about truth,purity,intelligenece nor cleanliness.They would not want you to be happy either.
I also felt how necessary it was for us to be prone to good.I mean this, by looking closely at our reactions when someone tells us what we are doing wrong or what we should change in our lives.Are we the type that wants to change immediately and that accepts sincerely that we were wrong? or are we among those who rationalize and justify thier wrong by saying things they know aren't true.
I want to be among those who love to change.I heared that the only constant thing in life is change and I agree.It is part of deity to change.Changing for the better is a sign of wisdom.Falling is not what really matters to our saviour Jesus Christ but standing up again with more faith and courage to do better.And finally,return to his presence.
I also want to put a little touch on how sorrounded by evil we are today.It is harendous how evil is becoming the default position of the world.In today's society,those who are idolized and respected most are those who can curse,those who can show off their body and those who can cheat and lie.These faults are being praised as intelligence.we all know that within our hearts those things preached by them can only ruin our lives and make us feel worthless at the end of the day.It is not beacause we are sorrounded by evil that we should take part in it or support it.
I like the idea of joseph flieing potiphar's wife.If we truly love ourselves,I think flieing will be the best thing to do in many cases.In my present case,prayer coupled with the determination to stand by my knowledge will surely help me.Not re-doing something wrong is just the first step do changing that thing and we should not forget to substitute that thing by something of greater worth.