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Do you love your family?

It is always a relief to know that you are not alone. And that I think is the main reason family is essential. Humans are not meant to be isolated in any way. Even when isolation is a deliberate choice, being alone is always seen as a default position.

Well, family as a unit is a beautiful thing but not always idealistic and achievable for a lot of people. Although everyone is genetically linked to someone, it takes more than blood and birth to connect people for a lifetime. Family is a union of differences and a a constant choice to be made .

I hear so many people say that they did not choose their family. Whilst that is debatable, I also hear the same people say they could not have become who they are without their family. So, here are a few tips that have been tested and are effective in making  your family, the family of your dream.

Choose everyone of them

Choose to accept your family members for who they are. Choose to ignore what you must and believe them even when they disappoint you. Choose to accept what makes them different by not judging them too harshly for being who they choose to be.

Love them

Love takes time therefore you must accept that time will play a huge part in building whatever there is to be built, to make your family stronger and happier. Play and hang out with your family asmuch as you can, because as you know, life is unpredictable. Remember love is spelt TIME.

Treat them

Sometimes you have to go out of your way to show your family members that they matter.  You don't need to break the bank. As long as you are giving something out of your heart then whatever you give is good enough.

Forgive them

Forgive them as long as you have breath. Most times forgiveness is for the person who has been hurt. It is a cure for pain, guilt, envy and resentment. When a person you love treat you poorly, don't just give the other cheek; give your heart a proper wipe through forgiveness. Let time do the healing as you deliberately give up the grudge.


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