Hello Guys,
I have so much to say and don't know how to start. Some of you know that I and my little family moved a year ago to Bristol,UK. We have been busy trying to build a nest and create stability for our little angel. I decided to finish my legal studies by climbing the final academical steps, known as the Legal Practice Course. This I had to do in order to someday work as a solicitor. It has been a long and a laborious journey and one that I have been excited to take. I did feel a lot of anxiety at the beginning but it all faded away as I discovered new ideas and acquired new skills.
Meanwhile, my baby started creche a month after we arrived and she has been attending ever since. She has grown to be an exciting and happy baby. I love to see how much she anticipates going there every week.
My other baby has been a support to me and many others. He has been making life more enjoyable for the family and I feel blessed to have him.
Now we are taking each day as it comes and we are working hard together. I would like to focus on the operative word been together; My husband always reminds me that I am a mother. Whilst this truth does not always taste sweet when it is served to me, I understand exactly what he means.
I am a caring and kind person, but now and then I feel like I am kind to everyone and everything except to myself. I can not remember a time when I have only thought about myself. As a mother, I try to give everyone the attention that they deserve. And mostly, I try not to ignore my feelings and I always access my emotions and find ways to heal.
As a christian and a Mormon, I have had a very spiritually-structured upbringing and my life has been molded in a way that I find real security in knowing who I am and why I am doing whatever I choose to do. I have those moments when everything I do seem to never work out as planned. I doubt myself and I question my intentions. I expect a lot from myself and I fall short in so many ways.
However with all these feelings of inadequacies also comes the sweet reassurance that I have a purpose, and that knowledge guides me through hard times
In all, I am grateful that I have the luxury of life and health. I am grateful that I am surrounded with people who love me and that I love. I am grateful that I believe and that my belief is a strength in times of despair. I hope that with time and experience, I will be able to embrace the part of me that makes me a stranger in my own house. After all, knowing oneself is the greatest discovery anyone can ever make!
I have so much to say and don't know how to start. Some of you know that I and my little family moved a year ago to Bristol,UK. We have been busy trying to build a nest and create stability for our little angel. I decided to finish my legal studies by climbing the final academical steps, known as the Legal Practice Course. This I had to do in order to someday work as a solicitor. It has been a long and a laborious journey and one that I have been excited to take. I did feel a lot of anxiety at the beginning but it all faded away as I discovered new ideas and acquired new skills.
Meanwhile, my baby started creche a month after we arrived and she has been attending ever since. She has grown to be an exciting and happy baby. I love to see how much she anticipates going there every week.
My other baby has been a support to me and many others. He has been making life more enjoyable for the family and I feel blessed to have him.
Now we are taking each day as it comes and we are working hard together. I would like to focus on the operative word been together; My husband always reminds me that I am a mother. Whilst this truth does not always taste sweet when it is served to me, I understand exactly what he means.
I am a caring and kind person, but now and then I feel like I am kind to everyone and everything except to myself. I can not remember a time when I have only thought about myself. As a mother, I try to give everyone the attention that they deserve. And mostly, I try not to ignore my feelings and I always access my emotions and find ways to heal.
As a christian and a Mormon, I have had a very spiritually-structured upbringing and my life has been molded in a way that I find real security in knowing who I am and why I am doing whatever I choose to do. I have those moments when everything I do seem to never work out as planned. I doubt myself and I question my intentions. I expect a lot from myself and I fall short in so many ways.
However with all these feelings of inadequacies also comes the sweet reassurance that I have a purpose, and that knowledge guides me through hard times
In all, I am grateful that I have the luxury of life and health. I am grateful that I am surrounded with people who love me and that I love. I am grateful that I believe and that my belief is a strength in times of despair. I hope that with time and experience, I will be able to embrace the part of me that makes me a stranger in my own house. After all, knowing oneself is the greatest discovery anyone can ever make!