Three amazing reasons why being a mother is the best decision I will ever make.
1. Because it is the best teaching experience.
I first became a mother on August 20th 2013. You should see my face whenever I think, say or write this date. I glow beyond measure and I feel a great amount of happiness. Being a mother has been the toughest decision I have had to live with and that I am still living with today. I wake up each day knowing that I am going to be taught by someone I carried for 9 months and that I have nurtured since she came into this world. There is no denial that my child has taught me more in 2 years than I have learned in 20+ years studying to become a solicitor. I have been taught how to be strong and meek at the same time. How to be firm and gentle at the same time. How not to think that you have got it all under control because nothing about life is predictable. How to be happy and be in pain at the same time. There is nothing more endearing than to see your child walk alone by your side, to see that there is enough confidence within her tiny body to do so without holding mummy's hand. At the same time, I always feel a pang of pain, not a tragedy-infused pain but a pain that comes from letting go. I am constantly being taught how to be patient with love. Not just waiting anxiously to see changes or receive an answer but waiting with love. I am constantly being tried in this department because I am so used to working and seeing results. When you are a mother, it takes some time to see the result of your work and efforts. I have been taught that it is okay to not know everything. Which mother hasn't goggled questions ranging from 'my daughter is not walking yet should I be worried,' to 'my daughter cried longer than usual today,should I be worried?' My daughter has shown me that asking questions is the way to increase understanding and not just knowledge. I can't count how many times my daughter asks me the same questions in a day. I must admit that sometimes, I wish she would ask once and let go. But that will never happen. My daughter has taught me the difference between knowing and understanding because I have observed that the moment she understands something,she doesn't ask me about that thing again. Being constantly challenged and taught is a privilege I enjoy from being a mum.
2. Because being a mother makes you more aware of others.
As humans, we have a tendency to forget that other people are out there in the world experiencing life just the way we are experiencing it. Some of us forget that other people exist all together. We choose to believe that our lives matter most. Now, when you become a mother, you are taking part in something that is universally and globally practiced and you start to see the world as a place where you would love for your child and others to grow and become who they choose to be. You start to be aware of other peoples's fears and worries. It is not all about you anymore. When people are kind to your child, you have met the best people in the world. When they are less kind, you are ready to bet that they are the meanest you will ever meet. You cry when you see children suffer and you know how other mothers feel when they talk about their struggles. You empathize more easily and you want to help as much as you can. You start to understand that you are part of a whole that needs a constant infuse of goodness. Because you understand that your child is going to live in this world, you want to make it better. That is exactly how I feel as a mother. I fear for the future when I see how angry and dangerous the world has become. I am hopeful when I see good things happening and I hear progress is been made around the world. I am not only concerned about my city or country, I am concerned about the world. I am constantly looking around me to make sure I am not missing an opportunity to help another person. I not only do so because I am aware but because I know that a mother is out there praying for someone to see and help her child.
3. Because being a mother has made me a better woman
A woman is constantly being told how she should look and behave. If you read any news about a woman, no matter how educated and accomplished she is, you will probably be amazed at how many references to her appearance you would read. As if all a woman can be is pretty.
Now, as women, we are overly conscious of our appearances, We are constantly pushing the boundaries of how to stay young and perky forever. I am all for living a healthy life and let time play its part. When you are a woman you are constantly judged and talked at, you are always and going to be a subject of debate and much controversy. Being a woman also means you are constantly put in a competitive struggle even though you are not interested in any competition.
Being a mother has allowed me to gain much leverage in my approach to dealing with people in general. Even though I never saw people as competitions or threats, being a mother has completely erased any form of such idiocy. I understand that we are all in different places in our lives. You can not go about comparing a pen to a pencil.
More so,mothering another being has made me very much in tune with my inner self. That part of me that is the driving force of all my accomplishments. I am more synchronized to my self allowing for more productivity and fulfillment. I am more focused on what matters to me in life and I am quick to chuck out any useless addition. I am constantly seeking for improvement and I am happy that I am imperfect. Being able to reconcile your imperfections is a life long struggle.I find it easier to forgive myself and others and to move on from things that I have failed at. I understand the part failure plays in my life and even though it is painful to fail, I do not let it stop me.
Being a mother has opened my eyes to the beauties of this world and seeing things through my daughter's eyes is an amazing experience. I realize everyday that I am more than a face,a body. I am constantly evolving. I am a woman that cannot easily be defined.